The Trick To Getting Rid Of Roaches In Your San Mateo Home
Do cockroaches bite? Can cockroaches fly? These are far from the only questions San Mateo homeowners have when dealing with a cockroach infestation.
Here's what local residents should know about the types of home-invading cockroaches, why they're so dangerous, how they get inside homes, and how pest control in San Mateo can help you get rid of cockroaches.
Common Species Of Home-Invading Cockroaches In San Mateo

Some of the most common types of cockroaches in San Mateo include:
- American cockroaches: Sometimes called water bugs or palmetto bugs, American cockroaches can grow more than two inches in length and have infinity-shaped marks behind their heads.
- German cockroaches: German cockroaches are some of the most common home-invading roaches in the country, and you can recognize them by their smaller size and two dark stripes on their back.
- Turkestan cockroaches: While they may prefer to live outdoors than indoors, Turkestan cockroaches are small, dark roaches that may sometimes infest buildings.
- Oriental cockroaches: Known for their oily sheen, Oriental cockroaches have glossy, dark bodies and love moisture.
- Smoky-brown cockroaches: Another roach that prefers outdoor living, smoky-brown roaches can still end up in homes accidentally.
Out of this list, American, German, and Oriental cockroaches are the most common invaders for San Mateo homes.
Why It Is So Dangerous To Have Roaches In Your House
Can cockroaches hurt you? Unfortunately, yes, cockroaches are capable of hurting you, but not as directly as you might think. Cockroaches may not bite or sting, but they can be dangerous in other ways, such as:
- They can pick up pathogens and bacteria such as salmonella, streptococcus, and staphylococcus and bring them into your home.
- Cockroaches can contaminate your food or other surfaces in your home with this kind of bacteria.
- Cockroach saliva, droppings, and skin can trigger asthma symptoms and allergic symptoms in some people. These symptoms only worsen as the infestation grows and you have more cockroaches in your home.
- Some other important cockroach facts to understand include:
- Cockroaches can lay up to forty eggs at a time, and infestations can grow rapidly if left untreated.
- Many cockroaches can be resistant to pesticides, making them hard to eliminate if you try to spray or use chemicals to get rid of them. The surviving roaches are only likely to breed new roaches that are also resistant.
- Cockroaches can survive for a week with their heads cut off.
- If they're submerged underwater, cockroaches can live for up to forty minutes before drowning.
- Cockroaches are nocturnal, which is why it can take a long time for homeowners to notice an infestation.
Not only are they dangerous, but cockroaches are notoriously hard to kill and eliminate from your San Mateo home.
How & Why Cockroaches Find Their Way Into Our Homes
What attracts cockroaches, and why are cockroaches in my house? Cockroaches are attracted to a lot of the same things that many pests are – warmth, shelter, food, and water. While some species, like the Turkestan or smoky-brown roach, may only infest homes accidentally or if they have nowhere else to go, many roaches seek out homes to live inside.
Homes that provide easy access to food and water are more likely to attract cockroaches, but these critters are capable of surviving almost anywhere. Even if your home is spotless, cockroaches are still usually able to find a food source.
As for how they get in, cockroaches can enter homes in a couple of different ways. They can crawl through tiny cracks and crevices around your home's exterior, crawl up through pipes or sewer systems, and even be accidentally brought inside by unsuspecting homeowners.
The Best Way To Get Rid Of Roaches In Your Home
When it comes to the best way to get rid of cockroaches, you're always better off using a professional pest control company like Pacific Pest Management than trying to fend them off on your own. Cockroaches are dangerous, reproduce quickly, and may already be resistant to over-the-counter pesticides.
An extreme pest like a cockroach often requires a more serious solution, and that's exactly what our experts at Pacific Pest Management can provide. If you've got roaches in your San Mateo home that you'd like to get out, there's only one thing to do – contact us today at Pacific Pest Management to learn more about our cockroach control treatments or schedule your inspection.

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